
#NordicMade Virtual Career Fair

Engage with top tech startups and growth companies across the Nordics and get smarter about your next career move

1 november 14:00 - 16:00 CET

Lägg till i kalender

Organiserad av Organizer

Join the first virtual career fair for startups and growth companies across the Nordics

Want to work in in a startup? Then you've come to the right place.

Join the teams across the most exciting companies within tech, fintech, social media, information technology, artificial intelligence, VR, online communities, venture funding and all the other buzz words. 

Recruiters, founders, and managers will be ready the 15th of November to chat with you about future career opportunities.

Åtkomst var du än är

Det spelar ingen roll var du befinner dig. Logga bara in via din bärbara dator eller mobil och börja chatta.

Matcha din profil

Ingen bortkastad tid! Du ser omedelbart vilka företag som erbjuder jobb som matchar din profil och dina preferenser.

Vill du organisera ditt egna virtuella event?