Fysiskt event

Pfizer - Your future employer?

Pfizer, one of the world’s leading bio pharmaceutical companies, visit us to talk about the company and what job opportunities there are.

6 december 14:00 - 15:30 CET

Lägg till i kalender

Ekosalen, Studenthuset, hus Beta, Plan 2, Universitetsvägen 2B, Stockholm, Sverige

Organiserad av Organizer

Eventet har utlöpt

Pfizer is one of the global operators in the world of pharmaceuticals and very active in Sweden, not least since the acquisition of Pharmacia, with over 80,000 employees worldwide of which more than 400 are based in Sweden. There are career opportunities in many different areas such as R&D, business, marketing, statistics and HR.

www.pfizer.se   www.pfizer.com


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