
Sustainable Future Virtual Career Fair

Join an event focused on sustainability - bringing you the organisations that are tackling the challenges of the future!

17 mars 13:00 - 16:00 CET

Lägg till i kalender

Organiserad av Graduateland

Eventet har utlöpt

6 företag deltar

The Sustainable Future Virtual Career Fair is an all-online event for students, recent and soon-to-be graduates interested in sustainability, green energy, and ecological solutions.

Join hundreds of participants and organisations to hear about sustainable futures - and how you can take the first step towards a more sustainable career.

The participating companies want to tell you more about their focus on sustainability. Tune in on March 17th, and learn about Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Business Models, and much more!

You will be meeting recruiters and hiring managers leaving you with unique insight into the offerings in order to tailor your application process the best way possible. You will also be able to meet professionals already working at the company to get first-hand experience in a career at the specific employer.


Are you looking for a job that is focused on sustainability or do you want to know more about how companies are tackling the challenges of the future? Then join the upcoming Virtual Career Fair!


Need support?

Drop us an email via [email protected]


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Ingen bortkastad tid! Du ser omedelbart vilka företag som erbjuder jobb som matchar din profil och dina preferenser.

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