Fysiskt event

How to get a relevant job with a science degree

Inspiration on how to find a job

22 mars 14:00 - 15:30 CET

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Studenthuset, hus Beta, Ekosalen, Universitetsvägen 2B, Stockholm, Sverige

Organiserad av Organizer

Eventet har utlöpt

At this seminar you will learn the latest facts about professional scientist careers and get inspiration on how to find a job that requires science competence.

Presenter: Marita Teräs, strategist science competence & labour market at Naturvetarna  - The Swedish Association of Professional Scientists.

- Careers Services,
Stockholm University

Naturvetarna, the Swedish Association of Professional Scientists, is a trade union for university graduates in natural sciences. We aim to ensure that you are secure in your employment and able to develop in your professional life. As a professional association, we are experts on the competence, skills and labour market for scientists. naturvetarna.se/english

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