Fysiskt event

Considering doing a PhD?

Attend this exciting seminar to learn more about PhD studies and get the opportunity to ask questions during our Q & A session with current

7 december 14:00 - 15:30 CET

Lägg till i kalender

Studenthuset,hus Beta, Ekosalen, Universitetsvägen 2B, Stockholm, Sverige

Organiserad av Organizer

Eventet har utlöpt

Are you currently a master's, Bachelor's or other student considering doing a PhD? Then this is the seminar for you, regardless if you are a Swedish or an international student. The seminar begins with our Study and Career Counsellor Johan Andersson providing an overall picture. After that a panel of three PhD students will introduce themselves and briefly give their professional life stories and then they will answer any queries concerning PhD studies that you may have! 



Margareta Belin & Firouzeh Esnaasharan

Careers Services

Student Services

Hur man kommer till Considering doing a PhD?

Vill du organisera ditt egna virtuella event?