Scanning job boards (such as yours truly, Graduateland) for your next internship or graduate job is a good start. But here is the thing: researchers estimate that roughly 70% to 80% of open positions never make it to a job board before they get filled.

Now, does this make your FOMO (fear of missing out) act up a little? Well, there are a few ways to find these hidden jobs:

#1 Write an unsolicited application

Who says you can only apply to a cool employer when they have a job ad out? Many companies nowadays are accepting applications on an ongoing basis, and are scanning relevant applicants even when they don't have a position to fill. The approach has a higher success rate with smaller and mid-sized firms, and you will have to do a bit more legwork to make your application relevant. But that might be your chance to swoop into the right place at the right time.

Read our detailed guide to writing a successful unsolicited application.     

#2 Get into the referral game

We are not going to call it networking because we know you hate the word. So, let’s just say:

Talk to people - and, more importantly, listen to what they are saying! Why is that so important?

Because more and more companies like to hire on employee referrals. This means they will prefer candidates who are recommended to them by people who already work there. So instead of scanning career pages try to get a dialogue going with friends, acquaintances, at networking events or (virtual) career fairs. We’re stressing the word dialogue here: try to get a meaningful conversation going before you launch into making requests about a job.

Read our guide to building career contacts as a student and maintaining them.  

#3 Let employers find you

Recruiters often take a more active approach to contact candidates with the matching education and skills for an open position. Therefore, your online career profiles matter. That way you might be alerted to opportunities at companies that you weren’t even aware of.

Read more about standing out to recruiters online

Now, of course, looking through the posted job openings can’t hurt! ;) Good luck with your job hunting.

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